From Chapter 4 entitled The Systems Perspective on Organizations and Communication in the sub section Biology and General Systems Theory on page 102 and 103 the concept of equinfinality is introduced. Here equinfinality is defined as “the idea that there is more than one right way to accomplish the same goal. I love this concept mainly because it should be aimed at those who are confined to a small thinking space that has no room for movement. There are some people who are so narrow-minded and stuck in their own world of ideas and thoughts that they begin to act as if there is nothing beyond the space that they take up in the world. People like this hold the world back and make it so organizations, and other forms of life, remain primitive to the ever changing world. This concept is especially important when it comes to solving problems in the workplace, and in life. By understanding that things can be accomplished, solved, and organized in many different ways allows people to reach the finish line with a path that works best for them. Allowing others to accomplish things their way and understanding that it is just as good as the way you would have done it allows for managers to become more successful, in turn allowing their employees to become more successful and open-minded. Sadly, I do find myself being narrow-minded at times and I hope that this concept can open up some more doors for me.
It is sad to see closed-mindedness in any form or arena, but especially in a problem-solving environment. The advantages to allowing different perspectives in decision making is not limited to individuals finding their own path, but also includes the bringing together of those ideas and perspective to reach a higher level of analysis.