I have been "working" since I was 12 years old starting with the typical girl job of babysitting. I loved babysitting and occasionally do it now, however, it has made me NEVER want children of my own.
As I was growing up my mom would only buy me gigantic clothes or boys clothes (no joke- luckily my sister would sneak in cute clothes whenever possible) and when I complained my mom told me that she didn't like the clothes I would choose and that I could wear whatever I wanted when I got a job. So the second I turned 15 I was a real working girl.
I began working at our community's private pool. I have been swimming since I was 5 - I am 22 now - and since it is the one thing I knew the best I figured I might as well work near a pool as well. So, I became a lifeguard and swim instructor. I then became a swim coach along with guarding and instructing and soon became the manager of the pool.
Somewhere in there I worked at pacsun for a year.
During my freshman year of college I was a lifeguard/swim instructor/swim coach/and a hostess at the Elephant bar
During my sophomore year of college I was a lifeguard/swim instructor/swim coach/and a swim coach at the local YMCA apart from my community private pool - so I was a swim coach at two different places. I stayed at the YMCA for 3 years.
Currently I am only a USA swim coach for a very competitive team in Campbell and I love every bit of it!
On top of all of this I continuously house sit and baby sit whenever and where ever I am needed. I also plan on teaching swim lessons again this summer and only being a sub for lifeguarding when I am needed.
Having three to four different jobs and being a full time student got too crazy and I had to take a step back - however during this process I moved from a swim coach at a Cabana Club to a YMCA to a USA swim team, where I feel I truly belong.
I love to keep busy and be challenged and work has satisfied that for me in many ways but I have also noticed that I bounce from place to place after a couple of years. I can only assume that this is because I get bored and need new surroundings - better get that out of my system fast!
And let me tell you the first pay check I had went to the smallest clothes I could find just to spite my mom!!!! Boo to boy clothes!!
leaving the workforce
13 hours ago
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